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Community Initiatives

In line with the concept of Creating Shared Value the Nestlé Good Life Program allows Nestlé and its employees to contribute to its surrounding communities with initiatives covering a wide diversity of activity and interest in the areas of sport, health, nutrition, education, food and promoting active lifestyles.

The Nestlé Good Life Program brings together a range of partnerships, programs and sponsorship activities. This includes our major nutrition education partnership with AUT Millennium, the Nestlé Community Environment Program, the Nestlé Toque d’Or, Kidz First, Cure Kids and various other initiatives.

We are also focused on improving the environmental sustainability within the communities we operate in with the Nestlé Community Environment Program.

In 2011, our Nestlé Good Life Program contributed some NZD 2.73 million to community programs and broader sponsorship initiatives. This does not include staff time.

Community Initiatives include: